How to Go From Seed to Tree

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This is our Kapruka The tree of life

For generations, Sri Lankan life has revolved around the humble Kapurka—feeding us, healing us and sustaining us. Now imagine a future in which you, and your family, are sustainably nourished by your own Kapruka, in your own garden. A few trees in your garden will meet your family's coconut needs, saving you money and ensuring that your family gets the nourishment you deserve. This good future is in your good hands.

coconut tree image

Our goal is simple, one tree for every Sri Lankan.

We hope for a sustainable tomorrow, where we preserve our culinary heritage, strengthen your food security and propel our economy forward.

The heritage of Coconut cultivation in Sri Lanka

At the Heart of Sri Lanka's Legacy
This is our Kapruka, the Tree of Life

The annual yield of coconuts in Sri Lanka does not fulfill even the main requirements of the country. This has resulted in an increase in local coconut prices. Sri Lanka has also lost opportunities in earning valuable foreign exchange as the manufacturing of export-oriented coconut products has been minimized due to the limited availability of coconuts.

Did you Know?
Did you know item image

Sri Lankan coconut products are also among the world's best. The country has the potential to earn a colossal amount of foreign exchange through the development and strengthening of the export of coconut oil and allied coconut products. This is of paramount importance at a time when Sri Lanka is gearing up for a great leap in economic development.

Not only Ceylon Tea
Not only Ceylon Tea image

Let one person grow one coconut tree. We will take a step forward today to become part of creating a strong national economy in a few years. Together we shall face challenges and find solutions to any difficulty that may arise along the way. A simple act of good hands joined together today will nourish the entire nation tomorrow.

A simple step is sufficient
A simple step is sufficient

Re-establishing our past lifestyle connected to the coconut tree is essential. A few trees in your garden can meet your family's coconut needs, with one tree yielding enough for one person annually. Growing your own coconut tree saves money, ensures food security, and contributes to Sri Lanka's foreign exchange. Be a proud contributor to the nation's economy.

Your Impact

Per Annum

Economic growth


2 Billion

Added to export revenue

Household benefits

Up To


Saved per family

Environmental Impact

1 Billion

of Co2 sequestered

If you plant and care for your coconut tree

Our Impact