Gradual Development from 1st Month to 7th Month

You can make a suitable coconut plant for planting through a coconut at home by nursing the same.The coconut intended for nursing has to be obtained from a good, quality parent tree.

AgeThis is a one month old coconut in the nursery
CharacteristicsCoconut has a dried up look
Probable diseases/ damages by Insects/ suggested remediesTermites may prevail. They are visible to the naked eye. As a remedy pesticide Admayer could be sprayed by taking Admayer 1 -2 ml diluted in one litre of water. The spraying must be done over the surface of the coconut and the soil surrounding the coconut.
AgeThis is a 2 month old coconut in the nursery
CharacteristicsA sprig has come out through the coconut. This is about ½ inch in length minimum
Probable diseases/ damages by Insects/ suggested remediesTermites may prevail. They are visible to the naked eye. As a remedy pesticide Admayer could be sprayed by taking Admayer 1 -2 ml diluted in one litre of water. The spraying must be done over the surface of the coconut and the soil surrounding the coconut.
AgeThis is a 3 month old coconut in the nursery
CharacteristicsThe sprig will be about minimum 1 ½ inches long
Probable diseases/ damages by Insects/ suggested remediesTermites may prevail. They are visible to the naked eye. As a remedy pesticide, Admayer could be sprayed by taking Admayer 1 -2 ml diluted in one litre of water. The spraying must be done over the surface of the coconut and the soil surrounding the coconut.
AgeThis is a 4 month old coconut in the nursery
CharacteristicsThe sprig has become two short leaves. Those are about ½ feet in length minimum
Probable diseases/ damages by Insects/ suggested remedies

Termites may prevail. They are visible to the naked eye. As a remedy pesticide Admayer could be sprayed by taking Admayer 1 -2 ml diluted in one litre of water. The spraying must be done over the surface of the coconut and the soil surrounding the coconut.
AgeThis is a 5 month old coconut in the nursery
CharacteristicsFronds start to get widened. Those will be minimum 1 foot of length.
Probable diseases/ damages by Insects/ suggested remedies

Termites may prevail. They are visible to the naked eye. As a remedy pesticide Admayer could be sprayed by taking Admayer 1 -2 ml diluted in one litre of water. The spraying must be done over the surface of the coconut and the soil surrounding the coconut. With fronds getting widened the chances are more to get damages by plasispa. A lot of attention must be paid to this factor. Plasispa are insects scraping and eating the fronds. 3 ml of Marshal 20 pesticide diluted in i litre water should be sprayed over the fronds. The mixture must penetrate the fronds and this should be done at least once in two weeks till the plasispa damage is over.
AgeThis is a 6 month old coconut in the nursery
Characteristics3 to 4 fronds could be seen; those will be minimum two feet in length.
Probable diseases/ damages by Insects/ suggested remedies

Termites may prevail. They are visible to the naked eye. As a remedy pesticide Admayer could be sprayed by taking Admayer 1 -2 ml diluted in one litre of water. The spraying must be done over the surface of the coconut and the soil surrounding the coconut.
With fronds getting widened the chances are more to get damages by plasispa. A lot of attention must be paid to this factor. Plasispa are insects scraping and eating the
fronds. 3 ml of Marshal 20 pesticide diluted in i litre water should be sprayed over the fronds. The mixture must penetrate the fronds and this should be done at least once in two weeks till the plasispa damage is over.
AgeThis is a 7 month old coconut ready to be planted
Characteristicsabout 5 fronds could be seen. Those are well developed and minimum 2 ½ to 3 feet in length.
At this stage as a well developed plant a strong trunk, bright green sharp edged fronds and short branches could be seen.
Probable diseases/ damages by Insects/ suggested remedies

Termites may prevail. They are visible to naked eye. They may first damage the husk of the coconut and later the foot of the plant. The shoot will show signs of withering away initially and it could be easily uprooted by hand. As the remedy Admayer 1-2 ml diluted in i litre of water could be sprayed. If the coconut to be planted is a ground plant the coconut should be immersed in the solution for about 3 minutes before planting. If it is a bag plant the solution must be well sprayed over the roots.
Damage by plasispa too could take place. Plasispa are insects scraping and eating the
fronds. 3 ml of Marshal 20 pesticide diluted in i litre water should be sprayed over the fronds. The mixture must penetrate the fronds and this should be done at least once in two weeks till the plasispa damage is over.


At each age group attention must be paid to following:

  1. Ensuring the sunlight is fallen on to the plant
  2. Adequate watering
  3. According to the view of professionals, it is not necessary to manure the plants in the nursery
  4. Avoiding pests through constant vigilance

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