Damages by Coconut Caterpillar

Coconut caterpillar, prevalent in many coconut growing areas in Sri Lanka, is a pest that can cause severe damage to coconut plantations.

The coconut caterpillar damages the coconut tree by eating the tissues beneath the coconut leaf, the fertile parts of the leaf.

Characteristics of the damage

  1. Damaged areas of the coconut leaf first turn in to green colour , then gradually turn in to brown colour and finally give an appearance of being burnt.
  2. Places where the branches of the lower part of the coconut tree get dried up without any pattern, shall be visible. 
  3. Due to damage to the branches, tree shall become weak and the yield shall get reduced.
  4. When examining the underside of the leaves, worm nests shall be visible.

Unless the damage is properly managed, the tree will die.

Life cycle of the Coconut caterpillar,

Damage control

1. If a slight damage (eg. In less than 5 branches) is detected, those affected    branches should be cut off along with 5 – 6 branches in the lower section of  the tree and be burnt.

Cutting and burning of branches should be carried out with proper understanding and knowledge, as the caterpillars in the adult stage could fly to the trees in close vicinity. This can lead to an increase in the number of damaged trees as spawning can occur on healthy coconut trees. Hence cutting and burning of branches should be carried out in all stages of the caterpillar, except when it is in the adult stage as a moth.

2. Coconut caterpillars in the adult stage can get attracted and destroyed by lighting a fire.

3. As a biological controlling method, the parasitic insects (predators) of the coconut caterpillar in the adult stage could be used.

• Parasitic insects fall into 2 main categories,

  A. Larval parasites – bracon hebetor

  B. Pupal parasites –brachymeria nepenthes

When the damage is acute and developed, using parasites to control shall be futile and using of chemicals shall be necessary.

4. Chemical methods

Being vigilant on one’s cultivation and informing the Coconut Development Officer or relevant authorities no sooner the damage is identified, appropriate action could be taken to control the Coconut Caterpillar.

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