A series of GHI programmes centred on Motana village for the safety of coconut cultivation.

The second main programme carried out by Good hands Initiatives in January 2023 was recently implemented in the Balana area of the Central Provinces. Corporal Mr. Sadun Nisshanka, who works in the Sri Lanka Army, invited us to this programme. After several initial phase discussions, our officials reached Motana village. Mr.Sandun contacted the area’s Agricultural service officer and GN Officer to get a good hands program for Motana agricultural service domain in Balana area. Amidst the support and compliments of the regional officials, our team was fortunate enough to organize a program in the last week of January after preliminary preparations. The initial contribution to this series of programmes took place amid the intervention of Motana Agricultural Service Officer Mrs. Deepani Rajapaksa, the women’s society of the village and Ven. Amarananda Thero, the chief prelate of the Dharmawijayarama Monastery.

Motana Agricultural Services Domain

On the morning of 26th January 2023, our group entered Motana village along the road, which was in a difficult area and a very dilapidated condition. The awareness session began with the participation of about one hundred residents at Motana Community Hall, where we took the initiative to perform the programme.
The good hand’s team announced the participants in “Coconut Cultivation and the Future of Sri Lanka” amidst the unwavering support of the villagers who had been present. At this point, we were also aware of the coconut white fly disease, which is currently developing as an epidemic in Sri Lanka. Compared to other areas, the cold climate is detrimental to the white fly in this area, but we have been made aware of the basic facts essential to overcome this kind of insect damage at the initial phase.
After that session, good hand’s team distributed practical facts about the successful nursery of seed coconuts, planting of coconut seedlings and other cultivation techniques at the agricultural service centre premises by respecting their traditional knowledge. Finally, we distributed coconut seeds for the nursery, coconut seedlings for planting and good hands manual for knowledge to the families who joined the programme free of charge. Project Officials assigned the Women’s Society and the Agricultural Service Officer responsible for adequately planting the seeds and seedlings provided.

Motana Dharmavijayarama Monastery

We could also help the Dharmavijayarama Monestry located in Motana GN Domain which has many deficiencies. We arranged to give some coconut seedlings to Ven. Amarananda Thero, to be grown on the temple premises. Finally, we helped several retired and disabled army officers who engaged in the temple’s maintenance work by providing coconut seeds and seedlings.

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